Improving the skin’s health during seasonal changes

istock 1178955905The hot, summer sun shouldn’t be your only reminder to lather on the sunscreen on a daily basis. Skin needs to be protected all year round, even during the fall and winter months. Fall is a great time for patients to be more mindful about ensuring they have proper sun protection. This is because sun damage on the skin and one’s risk of developing skin cancer is cumulative. It doesn’t matter how often you’re out in the sun, any exposure can slowly increase your chances of developing skin cancer or sun damage. The doctors at The Menkes Clinic also encourage patients to work with their professionals to develop an appropriate skincare regimen that can transition with the seasons to ensure healthy, beautiful, and protected skin!

Below are several tips from our providers regarding ways to keep the skin healthy no matter what season or climate you are in!

  • Wear sunscreen every day. Even if it is cloudy or cool outside, exposure can increase risks.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water each day is not only good for the skin, but the body, and can fend off dry skin that might be problematic in the fall and winter months.
  • Be mindful of the signs of skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of very few cancers that is visible. With early detection, many patients have a positive prognosis with proper intervention.
  • Use skincare products appropriate for your skin. The dermatologists of The Menkes Clinic encourage patients to find products and skincare regimens that are appropriate for their skin’s current health. Patients with oily or dry skin will likely not be in need of the same product.
  • Consider customized care. During the changing seasons, reach out to our providers to learn about new and revolutionary products that can be used to help during these environmental transitions.

Learn more about caring for your skin with The Menkes Clinic

Our doctors are available to help patients in the community of Mountain View, California with their needs and do so with decades of combined experience within our team. If you are in need of skincare recommendations all year round, contact us by calling (650) 962-4600. Our facility is conveniently located at 2490 Hospital Drive, Ste. #201 and is open to new and current patients of the area.

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