Acne can be a problem not only for teens but also for those patients well past their twenties, thirties and even their forties. Many patients continue to suffer from recurrent breakouts well into adulthood causing embarrassment, frustration, and added stress in already busy lives.

– Sussan
At The Menkes Clinic & Surgery Center, our approach to the treatment of acne starts with recognizing that each patient is an individual with unique needs. Our physicians evaluate each patient’s lifestyle, personal goals, and treatment preferences in order to formulate the most effective plan that will result in healthy, clear, and radiant skin. We are always ready to answer questions and provide the latest, scientifically proven treatments for our patients.
Acne pimples can lead to unwanted imperfections in the skin, especially surface defects and discoloration. Acne scars commonly occur on the face, chest, and back and may appear as:
- Shallow depressions or divots
- Deep, ice-pick indentations
- Firm, rubbery bumps or nodules
- Dark brown spots and discoloration
- Persistent pink or red blotches
In general, the deeper and larger the pimples, the greater the risk is for residual scarring. Therefore, early treatment of acne is ideal to prevent unwanted scars. We treat acne with oral antibiotics such as Accutane, topical medications, and blue light therapy. For acne scarring, we offer several treatments to help reduce the appearance of scarrings, such as chemical peels and facials, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion.
Our team offers expert care and gentle nature, understanding the immense emotional toll that can accompany chronic acne. Breakouts can occur at any age and can be difficult to hide. With professional treatment, you can effectively handle acne and other skin conditions. If you live in the area of Mountain View, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Saratoga, or San Jose and would like to have health restored to your skin, we invite you to contact our office for a one on one consultation.