How can I prevent brown spots on my skin?

IPLPatients will notice continued changes to their skin and body over the years. As we age, it is common to make note of ways in which our skin is different. One complaint many of our patients have when they visit us at The Menkes Clinic in Mountain View, CA is the development of sun spots or brown spots, sometimes called “age spots.” These spots can develop anywhere on the body, but are especially troublesome when they develop on the face and cannot be covered with cosmetics.

What causes brown spots on the skin?

Many patients approach the team at The Menkes Clinic and ask why these brown spots develop on the skin. As we age, we accumulate sun exposure that can cause discoloration on the skin, especially those on the back of the hands and on the face. The skin on the hands may be uneven, drier, or thinner, which contributes to the appearance of the veins and dark spots that occur. In most cases, both aging and sun exposure can combine to cause the development of brown spots, age spots, or sun spots.

How can brown spots be prevented?

While we can’t prevent aging, we can protect our skin from the elements. Sun exposure is not only responsible for the development of brown spots on the skin, but can also increase our risk for the development of skin cancer. Patients are urged to protect their skin by using high SPF sunscreen every day on all areas that are not covered. This includes the hands, face, and shoulders that are often exposed to sunlight on a day-to-day basis.

How are brown spots treated?

Like many other discoloration concerns that can develop on the skin, brown spots can be treated with services such as microdermabrasion, IPL, or laser therapies. These can break down the pigmentation and allow the area to fade. These treatments may also have added benefits to the patient, including reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

Learn more about skin care solutions

Call the doctors at The Menkes Clinic in Mountain View, CA today to discuss your needs. The practice can be reached by calling (650) 962-4600 and visiting at 2490 Hospital Drive, Suite 201.

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